Wednesday 26 March 2014

Loans Direct Mobile App - A Handy Calculator for Financial Experts and Brokers

Loans Direct Mobile AppThere are number of calculators available online to make noteworthy calculations related to interest rates, repayments, loan estimation, etc. However, if you are a mortgage broker, going from pillar to post to provide efficient expertise to the clients seeking financial consultancy, you must definitely try mobile app by Loans Direct, which help home loan brokers and financial service providers to make all the necessary calculations on the go.

This app is a great tool for Mortgage Brokers to deal with a host of clients each day of their lives. Often client’s queries demand the brokers to be well equipped with a tool that helps them make calculations at the spur of the moment; thus, the app is designed to make instant calculations on various financial aspects and keep the clients updated.

A number of meetings are held outside of the office, this loan calculator app enables the brokers to make the following calculations anytime and anywhere:
  • Loan repayments: One just has to enter the interest rate applicable on any purchase, the full term of the loan and the amount one has borrowed to get the minimum monthly repayment and the amount of interest paid.
  • Total borrowing limit:  The portable calculators help the brokers assist their clients by providing an estimate of the maximum one can borrow, keeping into consideration one’s income and expenditure.
  • Repayment frequency - For weekly, fortnightly and monthly payments on an interest only loan or to repay a loan over a set term on a principal and interest basis
  • The mortgage brokers can save their clients some money on interest and charges on loan, by making quick calculations on the lump sum payments.
  • For the first home buyers, the mortgage brokers can quickly assess the client’s eligibility and usefulness of the Grant.
You can download the app free from Google’s Play Store or from our website

Friday 21 March 2014

What To Look For In Credit Repair Companies? Awareness Drive…

Often it so happens that when we turn to our desktop or our mobile, there are a number of pop ups that appear on screen, most of them related to credit fixing services by various companies. The main underlying fact is that are all of these companies reliable?
Credit Repair

Let us see. A good company will include credit fixing experts who counsel and improve the credit score by finding all the potential errors and disputing them. Look for a company experienced with credit repair in Australia. A reliable company must hold a good reputation and great expertise to work proactively to improve your credit score and help to keep your credit record free of liens, collections, judgments, late payments, foreclosure and repossessions.

Many of these firms admit to the fact that all the documentations can be held by the owners themselves, however, to make things more organized and managed, people seek their services to manage their credit file in Australia.

Additionally, make sure that the company has certain terms and offers and they are responsive towards them. The representatives should understand client’s situation and therefore, keep the client updated in terms of emails, fax or basic information. A customer support team can boost the process of credit service. The representatives must be cordial and aware of the duties assigned to them. A great manager, with knowledgeable consultants will help a person avail the best credit service.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Steps To Get A Construction Loan In Australia

Construction loans generally works on the principal of interest-only facility with a variable interest rate during the construction period. The construction loan requires two distinct approvals one on the land purchase and other based on the building or construction cost process. These cover the buyers from ground up; you can finance the land and the house simultaneously. 

Take the following steps on constructions loan:
    Construction Loans Australia
  • Be sure of the amount you can afford: Determine how much you can afford your collaborated loan amount to be, which includes your land as well. This preliminary investigation must include the deposit that you will pay, along with fees, taxes and insurance. Various construction loan calculators can come in handy in making a noteworthy calculation.
  • Contact a reputed land developer: A land developer will help you with a rough analysis of the size of land one can afford in your money and the amount one can spend on the land.
  • Look for lenders with professional expertise: There are a number of lenders, willing to provide financial assistance however; the best bet for a construction loan is through a bank.
  • Get your pre-approval: It is important to go through the approval stage first with the banks, prior to starting your building project.
  • Select your piece of land: After the affordability quotient has been discussed, you will know exactly how much you can put in the land. Hire a reliable builder and make sure you research all the utilities related to water, sewage, verification of building permits, etc. before finalizing the purchase.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Do You Really Need A Mortgage Broker? Let Us Know Why

Working with a reliable and experienced mortgage broker may help the borrower get the most suitable mortgage. Here are few advantages of the mortgage broker.
    Mortgage Brokers
  • Save you the legwork: Mortgage brokers have contacts with a number of professional lenders, most of the ones who may deny access to you in the first go. In case you do not want to hire a broker, you will have to call dozens of lenders, compare the rates and negotiate, all of the things that are single headedly managed by the mortgage broker. Therefore, hire a broker and concentrate on other essentials.
  • Understands borrower’s financial capabilities: A mortgage broker discusses the needs of the clients keeping his financial situation into deep consideration. A professional mortgage broker will be reliable and study the borrower’s financial credibility based on few documents such as Pay slip, credit card details, bank statements, full tax returns, unsettled loans, financial statements, etc.
  • Find loaning options for the borrower: The access to all the personal documents of the borrower allows the mortgage broker to analyze the available loan options for the client. The mortgage broker will assure assistance at all steps. He will make sure he offers a loan option that suits your financial capabilities, even in the end.
  • Handle A-Z of borrowing: He will assist you in looking for the best lender in the market, and help with all the necessary paperwork required in the approval. All of this is done in constant coordination with the lender.
  • You may save some fees: There are a number of fees that are involved in taking to the lender, which may include the origination fees, appraisal; fees, application fees, big chunk of lenders fees, etc. In some cases, the mortgage broker may be able to talk the lender into wavering off a few of the additional expenditures on fees.

Monday 10 March 2014

How Much Personal Is Your Personal Loan?

We all have personal needs that keep changing from time to time. To fulfill those, we sometime need that extra money in the form of personal loans. However, how much personal is a personal loan for us is a matter of awareness. Well, when we talk of it, these handy credits are comparatively useful as they help a person with instant money at the hour of need. To all of us, the needs are different. 
 Personal Loans
Let us try to understand what these personal needs could be -
  • Walk the isle with grace: Planning an intimate wedding or a grand reception; if it is your wedding, you would definitely require additional funds for arrangements, travel plans, dresses and outfits, decor, etc. For all such desires and plans, a personal loan is a great option that sets you free from the stress of making it a memorable affair of the lifetime. 
  • Get set go: Like many others, you can also plan a trip to your favorite holiday destination anywhere across the world and if you need some extra finances, get a money-saving personal loan and enjoy with the vacation to its fullest.
  • When it’s time to renovate and refurbish: If you are willing to make renovations in your house, an extension, repairs or anything for that matter, a personal loan what you may need for your home improvement plans.
  • Want to have a car makeover: Accidents and frequent car damages can happen at any time that definitely spoils the charm of driving. Get a complete makeover of your car or truck with a personal loan in affordable rates.
  • Expensive medical bills? Fund them with personal loan: Life is unpredictable and so are hefty medical bills. Most people opt for medical insurances; however, still few things are not always included in the insurance policy. Thus, get over with dues and outstanding bills with a loan for personal needs.
For variety of uses, individual needs and lifestyle demands, personal loans have been serving all such personal needs in reasonable payback commitments. To sum up, yes, personal loans are truly personal. It helps to evade the impromptu financial crises with ease!

Thursday 6 March 2014

Different Options For Truck Finance In Australia

A number of business propositions in Australia such as mining companies, construction businesses, etc. make use of trucks as great means of transportation of goods and raw materials. There are several trucking businesses that owns a fleeting range of trucks, which are utilized for variety of transportation needs and cargo moving purposes. Trucks are an expensive purchase, they are heavy and build for heavy-duty jobs to perform. Thus, there are assorted types of trucks that are used in multitudes of fields for respective purposes.  Truck Finance 
Buying these tough-bodied rolling machines is a kind of big investment that requires bigger funds. To aide in the investment aspects, there are banks and financial institutions that offer truck loans on competitive rates throughout Australia. Before selecting any form of commercial vehicle or asset finance in Australia, it is best to do a good research and ground work related to the commodity and financial understanding pertaining to money on credit.
Trucks have several categories: light, medium and heavy vehicles. The interest and loan amount is based on the credit rating of the applicant. A good credit score with credibility to repay the financed amount, the lender may offer the loan in a competitive rate of interest and vice versa.

There are number of ways of financing the truck of your choice. However, before getting into the contract of financing, one must ensure that one has done their research. This includes a repayment calculator that will help you keep your budget intact. Few options of financing are also mentioned below -
  • Leasing: The financer funds the truck and provides client with all the ownership benefits related to the utility of the truck, however, the ownership and documentation is held by the lender until the client repays the debt in full over a pre-set period. This is an affordable option for both the financier and the trucker.
  • Chattel Mortgage: Under this, the lender funds the purchase of the truck. The client retains full control over the vehicle; however, the bank/lender holds a certain mortgage in retrospect of the lending. This mortgage is held until the trucker repays the borrowed amount.
  • Commercial Hire Purchasing: Same as leasing. Ownership of truck will be with the lender until full repayment is made. Then ownership will be transferred to clients.

Impaired Credit Report? Get It Fixed In A Professional Way !

Credit Repair Australia
There is no denying to the fact that bad credit puts a stain in the credit file, however, the stain can fade away with thorough planning and guided efforts to improvise existing credit score. Thus, before going for any loan in future, it is always advised to seek help from professionals that are experienced and also performs credit check for Australians as a part of their services.

Bad credit can happen due to numerous reasons. Late repayments in paying the borrowings back on time puts them in bad credit. And in most cases, clients realize they have bad credit history when their application is rejected by the bank.

Moreover, it is very important to hold a realistic approach. Mark a clear distinction in the things that are possible and the things that are not possible due to an impaired credit history. Additionally, it is always better to keep a record of your credit history and score. People in Australia can view their credit report by subscribing to a credit reporting agency or order a one of credit check history through this same agency. In case you find few errors in the file, there is no reason to be panic as in most cases it can be fixed. What you must do as an observant individual is to report those errors to the credit reporting agency and have them check and investigate. It is always advisable to take professional assistance if you would ever need services like credit file repair in Australia.

Lastly, review all your loans, credit cards and other debts time to time as it would help you to be aware of your current financial situation and its impact on your credit rating. There are number of options to get finance for your needs, even if your credit rating is affected. However, the key is to go with professional advice and trustworthy suggestions from a reliable source or services.

Proper financial planning is of utmost importance to save yourself from the trap of bad debts, thereby saving from poor credit rating.