Sunday 27 April 2014

Who Falls In The Purview Of Australian Privacy Policies?

Protecting people’s privacy has always been a mandate in a great business. Various researches prove that public is more likely to trust an organization that maintains high standards of trust and values privacy of its clients.

Following are the areas that regulates under the Australian Privacy Principles -
  1. Public Sector: The National Privacy Act covers any federal and Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government agencies that have been under the government contracts, majorly the commonwealth government contract.

  1. Private sector: It includes all private businesses and non-government organizations having a turnover, which exceeds 3 million dollars.
  • The businesses that sell or purchase information without the legal consent of the individual and also the one’s where there is no legal authorization of disclosure of personal information.
  • All the private schools that have an annual turnover exceeding 3 million dollars
  • Private organizations offering health services
  • Credit reporting agencies handling the credit, providing information of an individual also fall in this act regardless of what their annual turnover to be
  • All the private universities in Australia follow the guidelines marked under the privacy act.
  • Any person handling your tax file, including your personal property registers
  1. Small businesses: If you own a small business with annual earnings of 3 million or less, the National Privacy Policy is also applicable to you. The office of Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) follows a privacy checklist for all the small business enterprises dealing in:
  • Personal information of people in Australia
  • A contractor that is entitled to provide services under the commonwealth government contract
  • A business dealing with Anti-terrorism or Anti-Money Laundering.
  • People operating in residential tenancy
We live in an advanced digital age that has led to a number of changes especially the way we need to think about our privacy, with the electronic media being extremely vulnerable and fluid, a lot of information get copied, aggregated, interlinked, transmitted, etc. Thus, to safeguard the interests and personal information of the citizens in Australia, these laws are in force and adhered in first place.

Monday 14 April 2014

Personal Loan – Use It Wisely For Your Personal Needs

Personal Loans AustraliaWe all have so many things lined up that we want to invest in, however, due to financial constraints, we often have to let go. When it comes to fulfill such needs through some money on credit, it is very important to understand the right use of a personal loan to fulfill the requirements, as they are often miscalculated.

Is a personal loan personal? Yes, it is. If you are looking for some added funds for a vacation, to plan a wedding or to renovate the house, this handy credit seems to fit all such personal needs when required.

Let us see what one needs to do after the purpose of the purchase has been understood -
  • Prepare to make your purchase: Calculate the amount you can borrow, keeping in mind the budget and daily lifestyle. Understand the repayments schedule. Suppose you are planning to invest in a wedding, you must know the estimated expenditure and depending upon the repayment capacity borrow the amount.
  • Choose your personal loan: Sit down with a finance broker, as he will assist you until the approval stage and make you invest in the best choice. Choose your personal loan amongst the following:
    1. Unsecured variable rate personal loan: It is flexible and gives you the benefit of making extra repayments any time, without any fee.
    2. Unsecured fixed rate personal loan: A fixed repayment schedule, protecting you from any sudden escalation in interest rate.
    3. A secured loan: Lower rate of interest with affordable repayments, in exchange of a seize-able mortgage in case of non-payments.
  • Customize the loan: After planning the loan type being fixed or variable, customize it in accordance to your affordability. It is important to understand every aspects related to your loan that must also help you to make an informed choice.
  • Apply under the guidance: For many, a finance specialist or a broker is a reliable source to know and understand all the pre-conditions of a personal loan. Moreover, a qualified and reputed broker will also assist in the application process until the final approval.
Personal loans are quite helpful in funding the aspirations of borrowers; the key is to make the right choice!

Thursday 10 April 2014

Let Us Find Out The Benefits Of Comprehensive Credit Reporting

Credit Rating AustraliaFor those of you who are unaware, Australia operates on negative credit reporting system, which means that only credit infringements and inquiries are recorded. The information on your report may include details of your payment defaults, bankruptcy, etc. However, the new credit reporting system has a purpose of providing the credit agencies with a great level of balanced credit assessment of people.

So, what are those benefits pertaining to the new credit reporting system? Take a look - 
  • Promotes good credit behavior: The new reporting system ensures good credit, as it will now have detailed record of the timely repayments of every individual. The comprehensive statement of the payments will keep people well informed of all the payments; therefore, there are minimal chances of errors.
  • Quick rectification of a stained report: One can easily improvise his own credit profile soon after a financial constraint with a good credit behavior, by countering the impacts of a financial default for a period up to five years.
  • Creation of an advanced and balanced system: The transparency in this form of credit reporting enables consumers having good or previously bad credit rating, to manage greater financial opportunities with access to quality credit. This was a rare privilege initially.
  • Faster establishment of credit report: Initially, it was not very easy for overseas and a young borrower to build a good credit worthiness. However, with comprehensive credit reporting system, one can easily build the value to get the advantages of good credit score in future.
  • Better lenders and offers: An individual with good credit report will eventually find credit at best rates and offers.
  • Improved risk assessment: This system will definitely help to improvise the accuracy of credit risk assessment. The benefits include a lower rates of over-indebtedness and default, which results in much greater competition in the credit market and less expensive credit
A comprehensive credit reporting system ensures better financial opportunities for lenders as well as the borrowers!