Wednesday 28 September 2016

Refinance Your Loan and Save Some Bucks

It is an old saying that change is nature and is much required, so do loans. For the swapping of loans, refinancing is the best alternative. It is basically replacing your existing loan with a new loan with better features. In such situation, your debt will be simply transferred to a different loan. 

 Many customers prefer refinancing which might be due to many reasons:
  • You can save your money: You can easily save some bucks by preventing the interest costs. You need to refinance into a loan with lower interest rate as compared to the existing one.
  • Reduce your short term: You can easily refinance into a shorter loan term. Just imagine, you have a 30-year home loan and you have the opportunity to refinance into a 15-year home loan. You can get rid of your debt much easily and rapidly.
  • Consolidate debts in case of multiple loans: In case of multiple loans, you can consolidate all those loans into a single one to keep track of your payments and loans.
  • Change your loan type: You can also change your variable rate loan into a fixed rate loan. You can go for it if the interest rates are low and you want them to rise.
There are certain steps that you can consider to get a successful refinance, which are:
  • Choose the right lender: You must consider shopping around to check what other lenders are offering you. The lenders may range from banks, credit unions to mortgage brokers.
  • Get aware of the fees: Your lender must provide you the specifics on all costs before you pay the loan application fee. These charges may include the credit check fee, appraisal fee, origination fee, document processing fee and underwriting fee.
Apart from all these, you are expected to have a good payment history and that you are making repayments on time.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Some Advantages of Financial Brokers That You Are Ignorant Of

It seems to be a great idea to consider refinancing when the interest rates are cheaper. The interest rate is considered one of the biggest expenses, thus it is important to reduce it. However, sometimes there are some issues that you need to consider while refinancing, which a broker can tell you better. 

There are certain ways a broker can help you while financing -

  • Brokers help you in saving the legwork: Brokers usually contact the lenders, some of whom you do not even are aware of. If you do not prefer brokers, you will end up calling hundreds of lenders and comparing their rates. Thus, a broker spares you from the headache of doing all this by yourself. 
  • They can have more access: Brokers have great contacts with the lenders that help them in getting special rates from them. Without brokers, you might not be able to call them directly. They will surely make efforts to fetch suitable clients for the lenders.
  • Brokers help you in saving bucks: If you do not prefer a broker, you are expected to pay for the origination fee, application fee and the appraisal fee. However, the brokers can really help you by exempting all these fees thus saving your bucks.
  • Brokers are experts: Brokers know the market much better and they are quite much aware about which financial institutions offer which product. They can also inform you about which lenders are offering the discounts.
  • Brokers save time: Brokers can understand your situation in a much better way and thus will find the appropriate lender for the situation.
  • No more hassles for you: The brokers can easily handle all the hassles related to paperwork and lender interaction and will leave your stress free from the whole process.
  • Aid in accelerating the process: Some brokers have good personal and professional link ups with the lenders that help you in accelerating your application process.
 Thus, the finance brokers in Australia have the capacity to find out the dream loans and the appropriate lenders for you that you desire.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Rate Cut Has Put a Serious Impact on Those Retirees Who Rely On Returns for Funding Their Expenses

It is really unfortunate for the self funded retirees that the initial interest rate has been decreased to 2%. They are feeling the impact of low interest rates. It can be great news for those who are looking to borrow money, but it is not good for those who are relying on returns to fund their daily expenses.

A lot of people either completely or partially fund their own retirement. Such retirees are forced to switch to much risky investments to obtain better returns.

Many retirees have planned to keep their income in a good portion by producing assets in investments so that they can prevent the risk to their money. They are struggling hard to obtain good returns on their retirement benefits and simultaneously, they also want to access their money in case of any unexpected issues. But the lowering of interest rate has not made it easier for the retirees to achieve their goals.

Due to this low interest rate, some retirees are even forced to go for welfare payments earlier in their life. They are considering coming out of safer zones of bank deposits and bonds and going for more risky options like share market.

There are certain reasons due to which the interest rate has been reduced which are:
  • Good monsoon: It is highly significant as good monsoon might pull down both afflation and inflation.
  • High lending rates: These are a great concern as these are actually delaying the economic recovery. It has really affected the loan demand.
Thus, the news of low interest rates is generally not great for the retirees. It just does not matter how they strategize, their investments will have to suffer. They are sitting just with a hope that the interest rates in Australia will recover at some point.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Selecting a Home Loan Can Be Convenient With These Tips

Having your dream home in front of your eyes will surely be your biggest achievement. But getting a mortgage or a home loan is one of the most important decisions, which you will have to make to own one. Finding the best home loan cannot be taken casually. There are certain tips through which you can opt for the best home loans, such as - 

Factors favourable for approval: Lenders can ask you about the total cost of the home including property taxes, maintenance fees and actual price before lending you money. Moreover, your credit score and your employment status can also affect the approval for your loan. Even if you have existing liabilities e.g another loan, the chances for approval will reduce.

Choosing a mortgage online is not a good idea: You can buy anything online ranging from music player, sports equipment to books, but selecting a home loan online is not a good idea. You can search for different mortgage lenders on internet, but you should not work with an internet only firm for mortgage.

Avoid interest only loans: You should avoid interest only loans unless you have planned to move in a short period of time.

Verify if the fee is reasonable: Although some fees might not be avoidable, yet some fees is an unnecessary junk fees or quite negotiable.

Negotiate the rate: You must negotiate on the interest rate irrespective of the type of mortgage you choose. You can get benefit if you are an old customer of the bank. You must have a clean credit history with no due payments or debts. Banks want a reliable customer who can pay for the loan on time.

Avoid paying for mortgage insurance: Mortgage insurance is meant to protect the lender and not you. So you must avoid mortgage insurance unless you have low debt-to-home equity ratio.

Thus, getting approval for a home loan is easier said than done. It seems that the lenders are curiously waiting for the customers to get their loans sanctioned, but it is a very troublesome job.