Monday 23 January 2017

Home Loan and Bad Credit – What is The Solution?

Getting a home loan can be a daunting task, even if you do not have any financial issues that may raise questions at your creditworthiness. However, if you have bad credit, it becomes a different story. Bad credit is something that may seem irrelevant in many situations, but still can create many problems for you, especially when you are seeking a home loan. A missed payment (utility, bills, mortgage etc.,) or late payments may seem small, but they can create big problems for you.

Banks pay close attention to such details, and if you have made such slips in the past, then getting a home loan will be difficult for you. So, what should you do? Here are a few tips if you are trying to get a home loan and fix bad credit in Australia.

•    You should start by seeking professional help for your money matters. Take professionals’ help in going through your file and find out any issues in it. If you find out any problems, then try to resolve them before applying for a loan. Cleaning your file may increase your chances of succeeding.

•    Before applying to every available bank for a home loan, you should know that such applications are also tainting your file with rejection. To avoid it, you should gather proper knowledge of who can finance your home, effectively reducing the chances of rejection. For this purpose, you should talk to a mortgage broker. They can provide you good advice on lenders and help in presenting your case in good light to increase the chances of sanction.

•    Start improving your credit by paying all the bills on time, not missing or delaying any payment. Shows that you may have made mistakes in past, but you are above the mess now.

These tips can help you get the home loan you wanted. Moreover, if doesn’t work out, you can opt for home loans that are specifically for people with bad credit.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

How Can You Buy a House without the Deposit in Australia?

When it comes to purchasing a house in Australia, deposit is the first obstacle that you have to face. Arranging finances to pay the deposit can be quite difficult, especially for those who have no money on hand or who recently paid a big debt. However, you do not have to give up your dream of owning a house in the fear of deposit. There are still ways to buy a home or get mortgage with no deposit.

Here are three ways to help you out.

First of these ways is to use your existing property to get the equity loan.Equity is the difference between the actually worth of your property and the mortgage you owe on it. Therefore, if your existing house’s value is higher than the mortgage, then you can have the access to this equity and use it for your benefit. However, as mentioned above, it only works if you have a property that is high in value.

If you do not already have a property and want to buy one without the deposit, then you can use the joint venture method.You may not have the capital to pay for it, but one of your friends, colleagues or a relative, basically a trustworthy person can invest with you and pay the deposit. You can collaborate with them to make your dream come true of owning a house.

The third way to achieve your aim is through a family pledge guarantor.Your family member(s) can put up security for the deposit for you to purchase the house. The rest, you can get through a loan (secured by your property). It means that the 20% security for the deposit that your family member paid is secured against another property they own. The bank gets double security and you get the house.

These methods can help you buy a house without deposit and get home mortgage even with bad credit. Such methods are helpful for those, who financially struggle or do not want to pay the deposit, when buying a house.