Monday 31 July 2017

Prepare Yourself Beforehand for an Increase in Mortgage Rate

If you are planning of financing a home loan, you need to acknowledge some important facts. A rise in the home loan interest rate will make paying back your mortgage more expensive. There are certain factors that will influence any change in the interest rates. These factors include the type and amount of debt. Other factor includes the savings that you have.

If you have borrowed a lot of money on your home loan in Australia, it is most likely that an increase in mortgage rate will make your monthly repayments unaffordable and will put you under increased financial pressure.

Create a financial plan
In order to deal with any changes in the home loan rate, it is better to have a financial plan in place. A small rise in the home loan rate might not set the alarm bells for you, but several raises will definitely have a significant impact. 

Have a quick glance at some tips to manage the increase in home loan rate -
  •  Work on your disposable income
Disposable income generally refers to the money that you are left with after all your outgoings such as mortgage and bills. It is important to get a clear picture of where your money goes. You can easily determine how much money you have left over and whether you can deal with a rise in interest rate.
  •  Reduce your spending
You might not have much money to spare after you have paid your outgoings. Thus, you need to check how much you can save just by cutting back.
  •  Seek best advice for debt
If you are not clear in your debts and are concerned about your finances, you must go for the best advice for your debt. Just check from where you can get the free debt advice.

Besides all these tips, you need to focus on fixing your mortgage. You can shop around for a better mortgage. In addition, you can review your existing mortgage at least once a year to check whether you should switch to the better one or not.

Monday 24 July 2017

Follow These Ultimate Tips While Applying For a Truck Finance

If you are planning for buying a new truck, you might be aware that paying for it by cash is not going to be possible. Of course, you do not want to use your savings just to buy a truck for your business. Thus, if you are thinking of financing a truck for your business rather than paying cash, it’s time to do proper research and go for the best financial deal.

Shop around for the best offer

Irrespective of the special offer you are being provided by your lender, you need to shop around and try to negotiate hard. Do your research and choose one that suits you the best:-
  • Go for a better truck dealership
You can now get quick and easy truck finance through a truck dealership.
  • Have a word with a financial broker
It is always a traditional option to have a word with a financial broker, as he will offer you the competitive rates without any sales pressure. You can also seek a variety of financial options and insurances through banks.
  • Online lenders for quick and easy process
You need to be aware of the online services as sometimes the online lenders do not offer personal service and it can turn out to be a fraud.

Determine the rates of the truck loans in Australia

Unbelievably, the length of the loan has a great impact on the interest rate. The longer the loan term is, higher will be the interest rate. However, if the length of your loan is shorter, the higher will be your payments. Thus, it is important to cross check each and everything prior to signing.

Time to set aside some savings

Having some money on hand is a great idea for purchase. You can use this money to get the type of truck finance you want. It will also cut down the money that you need for the truck loan in Melbourne as it is always worth having some savings.

Thus, you can consider these tips to make the entire financing process efficient and affordable.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Time to Understand the Interest Only Mortgage Financing Option

If you opt for interest only loan, you will have to pay the interest on the mortgage through monthly payments for a fixed term. The fixed term generally ranges from 5 years to 7 years. Once your term is over, you can go for home refinancing and making a lump sum payment. If you have decided to use interest-only home loan, the payment that you need to make will not include the payments towards the principle.

You must consider interest only loan if:-
  • You are aware that your home will be sold within a short time period. 
  • You desire to have lower initial payment and are fully confident that you can deal with the higher payments in future.
  • You are quite certain that you will get a higher rate of return while investing the money elsewhere.
Benefits that you can avail by buying interest only loans in Melbourne:-
  • You will have to pay the lower monthly payments during the term]
  • You can qualify for a larger loan amount and then purchase a larger home
  • The best part is that during the interest-only period, your whole monthly payment amount will be considered as tax deductible.
Besides benefits, there are some risks associated with interest only loans:-
  • With this loan, people usually consider spending extra money than investing it.
  • Some people fail to afford the principal payments when the time actually comes 
  • You will actually have to pay interest and principal every month that will increase your payment significantly and it is usually considered as payment shock. 
  • When you prepay, it is most likely that you will have to face the penalties. If in case your loan is refinanced during the repayment penalty period, you will just end up paying the additional fees. 
Thus, let’s face the fact that not everyone can make for an interest only loan. It is important to research properly in order to determine whether this loan is appropriate for the situation or not. You can then opt for other options if you find out that interest only mortgage is not right for you.