Monday 19 May 2014

Vital Tips to Avoid Bad Credit Score

Having a bad credit score on your credit record creates adverse impact while applying for a loan or any other financial product. In other words, we could say that bad credit is like a passport to higher interest rates and somewhat discrimination in loan application processing with lenders and financial institutions. An individual with good credit has better chances to be approved for a car loan, personal loan, mortgage or home loan without hassles as compared to a person with poor rating. Moreover, it is obvious that no one wants to incur a poor credit score but how can one avoid it.

Well, bad credit could be easily avoided by considering the vital tips mentioned below:
  • Create a Budget: Never apply for a credit or loan if it is difficult for you to repay. Refrain from using too many credit cards or applying for home equity facilities or personal loans in a rush, if you do not have an actual need of them.

  • Avoid over spending: Stop purchasing useless stuff from your credit cards. Experts always recommended using 30% of overall credit limit. Never get into the trap of offers available on the use of credit cards, which is a part of their marketing strategy. It will just take you close to your credit limit.
  • Pay your bills on time: You should pay all your bills on time, a little delay in payments could easily be categorized by the moneylenders as a sign of financial distress that creates a big impact on approval of your loan application.
  • Fully pay your all debts and bill: Partial payments of credit card bills will impose late payment charges and create bad impact on credit rating. On the other hand, paying bills in partial could be costlier as longer the debt stays, higher the rate of interest or other charges add up in final amount and increase your debt further that becomes difficult to pay.
Therefore, following this strategic approach will definitely help to maintain your credit rating and reduce the chances of bad credit score on the report.

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