Monday 6 July 2015

What it really Mean to be Financially Free?

In simple words, financially free means free from any financial obligations, which may include overheads, debt, income and expenses or anything financial. In a country like Australia, it is just a small matter how people perceive it. However, it is more important to know how to become financially free depending upon your individual situation.

  • A Debt-free Life
  • It does not mean that you are financially sound if you are debt free; instead, you still have to work and earn money to meet up your living expenses as well as the taxes. The first thing that matters to be financially free is living a life without any monetary obligation. This can only be achieved if you pay everything you owe on time and maintain a clean credit history.
  • Your Income Your Expenses
  • If your expenses are more than your income then you are far from being free from anything financial. Managing your expenses in the best possible way and contributing a part of your income to your savings account will help you to achieve the goal of becoming financially free.
  • Assets are Important
  • Your financial assets like shares, mutual funds, investment bonds, properties are financial tools to generate annual cash flow whenever you want. By the time you reach old age, these assets prove worthy to help you meet your expenses in a convenient way. If you haven’t done something like this yet, start doing it as soon as you can. Assets are also the important milestone in becoming financially free.
If we go by the books, there can be lots more to do in order to live a life with financial freedom. However, most of the times it depends on circumstances and situations every individual face. Living life financially free is not an easy nut to crack. It takes hours of planning and consideration of numerous factors to walk in the path of achieving it.

It’s better to seek help from professional finance specialists who can figure out the most suitable way for you as per your needs.

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