Wednesday 5 August 2015

Let’s Debunk Some Home Loan Myths

First Myth -    A hefty deposit you would need to get a home loan in Australia.
Usually, 5 to 10 per cent deposit can help you qualify for a home loan.
However, if you have a guarantor, like your parents, you can borrow 100 per cent of the purchase costs.

Second Myth - The services of mortgage brokers are costly.
No, it’s not, rather, it’s Free. Mortgage brokers are paid by the banks.
However, there could be some exceptions like – if the home loan is less than $200,000, if your individual situation is complex, or if you are switching mortgages within the first two years of the loan.

Third Myth -    If you have a bad credit history, you aren’t eligible for a competitive home loan.
Not for everyone as it depends on your individual situation or if you have valid reasons for bad credit ratings, there are possibilities that a bad credit loan provider can consider your case.

Fourth Myth - The only thing to consider is the lowest interest on home loans.
Not necessarily the only thing, there are other costs like set up costs, exit fees, monthly charges, ongoing fees, insurance premium, conveyancing fees, etc. should also be considered that are generally included in the comparison rate you pay towards the mortgage.

Fifth Myth -     Credit cards aren’t considered by the lenders.
It’s a misconception that the borrowing power isn’t affected if you have multiple credit cards. Lenders assume that you have used your credit card up to its limit even if you haven’t. More number of credit cards can lessen the chances of your loan approval. Thus, it better to cancel the credit cards you no longer use or else you can decrease its limit.

Sixth Myth-   Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) is there to protect you if you default on your home loan
If you borrow more than 80% of the value of the property, you pay a fee that is known as LMI. It doesn’t protect you from default, rather, it protects the lender if you go default and unable to pay back the loan. To be insured as a borrower, think of Mortgage Protection Insurance.

If you are still facing any apprehensions or have doubts to clear, then talk to the home loan experts at Loans Direct today.

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