Thursday 17 December 2015

How to Save Money on your Mortgage

Well, it’s not a rocket science and anyone can do it. Moreover, we are just sharing the simplest of ways here that can help you save some dollars on your mortgage. If you are planning to buy a new home and willing to take a home loan, you need to consider various aspects related to it. The ideal thing to do is to seek assistance from a financial broker or else you can also use a Home Loan Repayment Calculator to know how much it would cost.

You need to set a budget first
Yes, that’s the most important one and you need to work on your expenses to manage your mortgage repayments conveniently. There could be things that you might need to cut, especially related to your spending to stick to your budget.

Next comes lowering your debts
Cancel the unnecessary number of credit cards you own. Instead of having multiple credit card payments, consolidate them to make one single payment every month. Moreover, it is wise to reduce your credit card limit as well and use it only when needed.

Think of paying more than the minimum
Another good thing you can do is splitting the mortgage payment and paying them fortnightly, as it will help to save money on interest charges. Doing this will take the principal amount down and you will save thousands of dollars in paying interest throughout the loan term. If you get some extra funds, put them in your mortgage account. It will make a difference in the long term.

Arrange for direct debit
Direct debit of your mortgage repayments from your bank account will help in making them always on time. This way, you will not miss any of your repayments and there will not be any additional charges incurred to you due to missing payments. Make sure the bank account you select is the one where your pay comes in.

For any financial hurdle, speak
That’s true; if you are facing any difficulties in meeting your mortgage payments, speak to your lender first. Do not wait until you get in real trouble as the way out is so much harder.

If you need more personalised assistance related to your mortgage, speak to our financial brokers. They are always ready to help.

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