Monday 29 February 2016

What Should You Know Before Buying Extended Warranty for Your New Car

Are you buying a new car? Congratulations! It's a moment to celebrate. However, if you've shopped for cars many times, you must know that sales person will try their level best to make you buy extras, including a warranty for the particular car you are buying. Thus, before you make up your mind you must know few things before going for an extended warranty. 

  • Have you ever shopped around first: This is the first rule if you are thinking to make a major purchase like a car. You can't just take a quick decision on the first deal, which is offered to you. Buying warranty is similar to buying anything. Get a professional quote for the extended warranty on the car you are planning to buy from different dealerships, insurance or finances and see where you can crack the best deal. If the price is out of your pocket, you can always purchase it later.
  • What is your repair history like: You need to think about what your history with cars is like. Do they breakdown because of heavy use. If the usage of your car will be more than a vehicle that drives to the shop and back, then the warranty is certainly going to be of great value.
  • What is covered by the warranty: Check about things that are covered under warranty before putting money into it? Many parts that are likely to break down are usually not covered under warranty. Moreover, different types of coverage tiers that makes the expense rise by adding things that are already covered. Is the price fully justified? Do you need it? Think and decide.
  • Who is assisting you for your extended warranty: Make sure you check who is taking care of the warranty and are reputable enough to provide you with an appropriate warranty.

Before making a final decision, ask yourself few questions and then decide. In case if you are looking for car loans in Melbourne than Loans Direct is a worthy choice for you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that before purchasing an extended warranty you should check carefully that who is providing you warranty. AMT Warranty is the company with a good reputation which provides extended warranties at very reasonable prices.
