Thursday 2 June 2016

In Case, You Do Not Know About First Home Owner Grant, Read This…

The most general introduction of the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) is that it's a scheme to offset the effect of GST (Good and Services Tax Bill) on the home ownership. Introduced on 1 July 2000, this grant is a national scheme. Not only the scheme is funded by the states and the territories, it's also administered under their own legislation.

Case in point, in the event of satisfying all the eligibility criteria, under the said scheme, you'll be payable a one-off grant being a first homeowner.

No matter how exciting the process of buying a new home is, you'll be equally exhausted. More draining than the feeling you get when you have to choose which flavour of the ice cream to eat, home buying turns nerve wrecking looking at the plethora of options. Not to forget, you will also have a certain financial obligations to cover, isn't it?

The Perfect Start for Your First Home – First Home Owner Grant
The First Home Owner Grant in Australia is a good start for your purchase, for that matter. The good news is that in case you're a first homebuyer, as per the grant, you'll be rewarded with AUD $7,000 in cash by the Government of Australia. With minor differences in regulations among the various states of the country, the basic purpose of the grant is to assist the first homebuyers. Also, the grant is valid for all the states of Australia.

Nevertheless, ever since this grant came into being in 2000, it has undergone various changes. To know the exact amount that will be approved for you, it's insisted that you should refer to your own state's government regulations and laws.

Do you want to know the criteria that makes you eligible for the First Home Owners Grant in Australia? Read on to know-
  • Your property should be listed among the residential purposes. The property should aim at non-commercial goals such as – home unit, fixed dwelling or apartments.
  • This should be your first grant.
  • The property should be possessed by the buyer within the first twelve months.
Now you know how First Home Owners Grant in Australia can benefit you. All you need to do is to evaluate the eligibility criteria thoroughly as per your own state. Happy buying!

Until next time.

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