Tuesday 22 December 2015

How does Lost or Stolen Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit Score?

How the times have changed to where it's not about who wears the pants in the family and instead about who carries the credit cards! Some husbands, however, feel very relieved on the thought of their lost or stolen credit card, since, of course, a stolen or lost credit card will mean much lesser expense than the expenses their wife does! The thing that actually bothers many of us is that how a lost credit card would hurt our credit score.

How do we handle a situation of lost or stolen credit card? 
Let's suppose that you've reissued your credit card. Beyond any doubt, the new credit card will have a different number. The old card will be cancelled. Will the credit score also vanish along?

First things first, when you lose a credit card, or unfortunately get it hacked, you must flag the transactions as fraud. You get your account credited back in a couple of days. When the thief tends to use your credit card again, even the credit card company cancels the transaction and the credit card can no more be used fraudulently in future.

Further, you basically have two options. Remember that each card company may handle the replacement of credit cards differently.
  • You can change your account to a new number.
    This way the original trade-line remains in your credit report. Your account's open date will be preserved and the payment history will remain under one account.

  • You can also cancel the current account and open a new account.
    Let your original account show 'lost and stolen' with zero balance and still retain all your payment history. The entirely new account will use the same open date with an outstanding balance as your original one. This will lead you to two credit cards – one closed and another opened. So, you'll have one trade-line closed and the other is opened.
Do not worry. This eventually leads us to the good news - as long as you preserve your original account's open date as well as the credit limit, the replacement of the account shall only be a piece of cake. This will not hurt your credit score and you can easily have a credit check Australia after that.

Thursday 17 December 2015

How to Save Money on your Mortgage

Well, it’s not a rocket science and anyone can do it. Moreover, we are just sharing the simplest of ways here that can help you save some dollars on your mortgage. If you are planning to buy a new home and willing to take a home loan, you need to consider various aspects related to it. The ideal thing to do is to seek assistance from a financial broker or else you can also use a Home Loan Repayment Calculator to know how much it would cost.

You need to set a budget first
Yes, that’s the most important one and you need to work on your expenses to manage your mortgage repayments conveniently. There could be things that you might need to cut, especially related to your spending to stick to your budget.

Next comes lowering your debts
Cancel the unnecessary number of credit cards you own. Instead of having multiple credit card payments, consolidate them to make one single payment every month. Moreover, it is wise to reduce your credit card limit as well and use it only when needed.

Think of paying more than the minimum
Another good thing you can do is splitting the mortgage payment and paying them fortnightly, as it will help to save money on interest charges. Doing this will take the principal amount down and you will save thousands of dollars in paying interest throughout the loan term. If you get some extra funds, put them in your mortgage account. It will make a difference in the long term.

Arrange for direct debit
Direct debit of your mortgage repayments from your bank account will help in making them always on time. This way, you will not miss any of your repayments and there will not be any additional charges incurred to you due to missing payments. Make sure the bank account you select is the one where your pay comes in.

For any financial hurdle, speak
That’s true; if you are facing any difficulties in meeting your mortgage payments, speak to your lender first. Do not wait until you get in real trouble as the way out is so much harder.

If you need more personalised assistance related to your mortgage, speak to our financial brokers. They are always ready to help.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Do You Know About Construction Loans and How You Can Get One?

Before we start explaining about everything, you need to know about construction loans, just know that a construction loan is entirely different from a mortgage. People may use them interchangeably, but they differ, and using them to mention the same thing is incorrect. Continue reading to know how.

Proceeding ahead, are you looking for loan opportunities to purchase a house and land package. That's when you need to know about construction loans.

What is a Construction Loan?
A construction loan, as we call it, is the financial aid for you to build your new home. Unlike a mortgage, a construction loan covers all the costs – from the purchase of the land, the material it will take to build the home and all the costs included until the end of the construction. As we all know, mortgage covers only the costs of purchasing the home, and there is no aid included for the renovations and any additional construction.

How to Use the Money of a Construction Loan?
The money of a construction loan is used at different stages. The first time you'll draw the money will be when the flooring will be laid. The second can be when the walls are set upright and the third can be when the house is secured in good order and when the construction of your house is actually finished. It goes as the builders, the contractors, and you have planned to use the amount.

How Do You Qualify for a Construction Loan?
First of all, you select a financial institution. You can select a bank or a lender. Next, you go with the entire documentation of the construction from the starting to the end. You have to mention the amount of money needed to purchase the land, the materials and the money needed to be paid to the labour. Documentation of the sale of the land as well the building contract along with the drawings shall be provided. Your construction loan gets qualified when the bank's or the lender's maths is lined up with yours.

You can compare construction loans, and get the best possible construction loans that suit you.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Are You Saving Enough for Your First Home?

Do you know the secret to buying your first home? Maybe, saving for it might not sound as exciting as you want it to, but what is needed to be done will eventually get done.

Further, saving for your mortgage payment or for the home loan may get a wee bit laborious too. You may always want to make it easier, in which case, you should consider following the tips given below.

Know how much you should be saving
Have you ever heard of saving 10% of your pre-tax income? Do you know your goals and objectives? Well, any rough kind of guide regarding the savings for your home will suggest you to save 10% of your pre-tax income. However, the savings conditions may vary when we consider the different needs of different people. So, keep reading ahead.

Where does all your money go?
Once you write down the expenses on your notebook, you won't believe the purchases you've made lately. It's very important to know 'where' and 'how' you are spending your money. Are you aware enough? You can consider doing it for a month or a period longer than a month, until you get aware of the purchases you frequently make.

Why do you need to write down your each expense?
We often make purchases that we don't really need in the first place. Window-shopping often turns out to be real life purchases. We see shoes we like, we buy them. The end of this story might not take a great turn, though. Differentiate between your needs and your wants. A set control over your finances is the first step towards saving for your mortgage repayment or your loan.

How often do you pay your credit card off?
You should pay your credit card off once in a month. This ensures that you get rid of all the credit card debt, within time. What trouble would be a bigger than a snowballed debt? Better not to pile it up, and peel it off before it becomes a climb up to the Mount Vesuvius.

You'll be welcomed in the mortgage market provided you are able to save. Be ready to commit some sacrifices in order to save a legitimate amount of money that you can use as proof of your reliability before the lender. This surely builds up a positive outlook of yours regarding the savings you can make. Preservation will help you reach your target. After all, even a river cuts a rock with its persistence.

Friday 27 November 2015

Know Here the Best Tips to Save on Your Mortgage

Are you worried that your mortgage related blunders may cost you dearly? Chances are that your mortgage is refused even after a considerable investment of time and money. For those who are unaware, a mortgage refers to the property you conveyed to the broker as a security for the loan you've taken. You can consider it as one of the toughest debts to repay.

However, you can also save on your mortgage. Is it hard to believe? Flip through the following best tips to save on your mortgage-

1. Make Your Mortgage Your Priority
Your mortgage payment shall be your priority. Set the budget accordingly. Cut down the expenses in areas you currently do not want to spend in and make the mortgage payment first in the list of expenses.

2. Make Sure You Clear All Your Credit Cards
Do not forget to cut down your debts. Reduce the use of credit cards as well the number of them. Do not spend money like the one it's going out of style. Spending more than you have is unwise and exhibits a naive tactical manoeuvre towards controlling your money. Mortgage payments demand control over your budgeting.

3. Save on Interest Charges
You can save on interest charges by splitting the mortgage payments fortnightly and paying more than the minimum amount. If you get a refunded tax or any other extra fund, just add them to the mortgage payment. This helps you in the long term as the number of payments reduce and the mortgage interest rates you have to pay automatically decreases.

4. Never Delay Mortgage Payments
A day late and a dollar short is a big no-no. Never be late on the mortgage payment. In case of any tragedy that causes a delay, for you to know nothing else is recommended other than having words with your lender.

Lastly, you can also opt for an automatic debit form your bank account. For this to be easier, choose the account your salary goes into thereby making it very pleasant and near to negligibly confound.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Here’s a Short Synopsis on Debt Consolidation Loans with Bad Credit

At times when debts accumulate and become a big problem to manage, a loan that consolidates all your debts is a convenient way to get back in control of your finances. Now, you may be wondering that if the debts are high, the credit rating would obviously be compromised and then it would not be possible to secure a loan. However, there is a way to consolidate with bad credit. The solution is - Debt Consolidation Loans with Bad Credit.

It’s quite uncommon to see that the bank will lend money to someone with a bad credit history in order to help someone improve financial situation. However, there are non-conforming lenders who help borrowers to borrow money even if they have a bad credit rating, are in debt or trying to recover from bankruptcy. This proves to be of great help and avail debt consolidation loans with bad credit. 

After a lender approves a consolidation loan for you, you can then pay out your individual existing debts. Finally, this will help you in making one loan repayment every month with one set of interest and other fees. Now the condensed rate of interest would help to save money throughout the loan term and regular monthly repayments will be much easier to keep you in control of your finances.

Moreover, any defaults on your credit report will be removed as the time goes and if you keep paying your new consolidated loan repayments without any fail, sooner you would build a cleaner credit history by the time you have repaid your debt.

If you find it difficult to consolidate debt with bad credit, you can pursue other options. An informal debt agreement or a government registered Debt Agreement are other ways to get out of debt while avoiding bankruptcy. If you would like to talk to an expert about your situation and find out if you can consolidate debts with bad credit, call Loans Direct @ 03-9819-4656.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

What Is The Difference Between Conditional and Unconditional Loan Approval?

It is necessary to grasp the distinction between conditional and unconditional procedure of loan approval while purchasing property. Understanding the differentiation will guarantee a smoother process and avoid money related complications.

Before applying to a financial lender, there's criteria to be met and particular documents need to be provided. Ideally, this could be completed before commencing your analysis, therefore you're aware of the price value and that is economical.

After the applying has been processed, the money investor can offer you with the limit they're ready to lend you to get a property, this is referred as conditional approval. There are some terms and conditions, which are obligatory by the money investor that has to be satisfied before unconditional approval is provided.

Once this has been provided in writing, it's time to start looking for the correct property.

Now that you just have researched endlessly to seek out the acceptable property, you're ready to make an offer. As your finance continues to be conditional, the investor can verify all the data provided to make sure it's correct. Furthermore, the lender may require a quotation to ensure that they are satisfied and are ready to accept the offer.

Unconditional approval is provided when the financial lender is satisfied with the completion of the valuation and a copy should be provided to your Licensed Conveyancer once unconditional approval has been finalised. It is essential to wait until unconditional approval has been provided before contracts are interchanged to make sure that the purchaser have the finance to finish the deal.

Most importantly, a copy of the unconditional loan approval must be provided to your Licenced Conveyancer because the lender will require few documentations.
 such as a copy of the Transfer Contract for sale of land from the licensed conveyancer.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

3 Witty Ways to Capitalise on Low Interest Rates

 It is analysed that over the next year, there hardly will be any change in the cash rate. Reportedly, it is kept at 2 percent for another consecutive month and as far as the CommSec's analysis is concerned, the cash rate is not likely to move from its current state any time soon.

Do you know what does it exactly mean? This simply means that the interest rate you might be enjoying for your home will be stable for a while, and now you will be able to capitalise on it. Make sure you make the most of the record of this low interest.

Here you go -

Save Yourself a Wiggle Room-
You can save yourself a wiggle room in case you just fix your rate. This way you get a nice holdfast in your savings. Moreover, you can possibly split your home loan too. Keep one part of it on a fixed rate and the other one on variable. You never know what the future has to bring to you. Supposedly, any future rate movements, if beneficial, will be applied to the portion left with variable rate.

Insulate Yourself from Future Rate Rises-
The low interest rate will always mean savings. However, it is not all. The thing that should concern you is the way you will insulate yourself from the future rate rises. Splitting up your home loan in two portions is one option. On the other hand, you can also pretend that you are still repaying the loan at a rate of 2 per cent higher. Just use the money saved to take more off your payments of mortgage. It's all about bumping your repayments and insulating yourself from the future rate rises.

If there is a Redraw Facility, Increase the Frequency of the Repayments-
Another way you can save the most of the current cash rate is to increase the frequency of the repayments. This means you're not bumping up the amount. This will be useful to you only once you're assured that there is a redraw facility attached to the mortgage repayments you are going to make. The benefit this facility provides you with is that you can redraw your money out of the repayments you've already made if you need it at the time of emergency.

It's high time you use the stability of the cash rate currently available. Capitalise the most of it!

Monday 12 October 2015

Do you have any Idea How Bad Credit Car Loan Interest Rates Work?

Well, it’s not just you, there are many who might have encountered number of problems due to compromised credit ratings in the past, but still want to get the same kind of deal on car loans that saves them some money. However, the key is to understand that your car loan approval will be provided after the sole decision of lender and the interest rates will be based on the risk assessed as well as your credit history.

Car loan lenders in Australia generally rely on the statistics given on your credit report, which eventually helps them to consider your application as well as if you are going to pay for the loan without any hitch. Your application, approval of a loan and the interest rates are highly influenced by your credit history. Other factors, which ought to be taken into consideration while fixing the interest rate are net asset position, surplus of income after all the expenses have been made, as well as employment and residence stability.

On the other hand, if your credit history is all clear without any past issues, you can expect paying an interest rate same as in a normal car loan. However, if your credit history has some serious marks on a negative note, the rate might go up exceedingly. Thus, to be on a safer side, always try to keep your credit ratings as healthy as possible.

At times, the interest rates might look high, but everything is decided after the analysis has been done by the lender. Consequently, those who have directed their finances poorly even when they got a second chance have automatically given the lenders the chance to raise the rates.

Offering similar rate loans for each car buyer is quite unprofitable for the lender. Therefore, only individuals whose credit record shows reliability and assurance are considered for low rate car loans. On the off chance, if you are seeking a bad credit car loan, it is wise to consider purchasing a more affordable vehicle.

Finding a bad credit car loan in affordable rates in not so difficult. However, selecting the right one is the key. To hit the bull’s eye, always go with the experts. You can talk to one at Loans Direct by Requesting a No Obligation Free Consultation.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Three Things You Need to Do When Your Home Loan Gets Rejected

Can you fly without having wings? You can only dream that, certainly. The same way, you might have found your dream home, with your dream design, the dream garden, the dream study room and what not. However, do you have an equally strong financial accretion to make it yours?

Chances are- you applied for a loan and sat quietly; assured and stress-free. Nevertheless, what if your loan application is rejected. Probably, a not-at-all good feeling. Instead, even if you think of it happening, ends up giving you an empty and dissatisfied feeling. However, it happens and you might know about it in the worst possible manner.
Three Things You Need to Do When Your Home Loan Gets Rejected

However, you can get lucky enough in your second attempt. Not all lenders will supposedly reject your loan application. All you have to do is to follow the following three things before you try again. Since every time your loan application is rejected you increase those black marks added to your financial report, it's far better to take care of that from the next time. Have a look -

#1 Ask Your Lender for a Valid Reason
There has to be a valid reason for your loan application to be rejected. You should not feel any hesitation in asking the reason. Moreover, this will bring you to the state of knowing the mistake and being able to rectify it. At times, the reason might have nothing to do with you personally.

#2 Make Sure Your Credit History Shows a Good Behaviour
Very few lenders will approve your loan application if you have a bad credit history. Bad credit history repels lenders. Bad credit history or say a credit history, which is not at all under your control, will highlight you as an irresponsible person. For instance, overdrawn accounts, or unpaid bills will prove negative as far as your financial behaviour is being assessed.

#3 Know About the Different Home Loan Lenders
Since your loan application has been rejected, you might now be quite aware of the reason. As discussed earlier, the rejection of your loan application might have to do nothing with you personally. For instance, it can be possible that your lender rejected your loan application just because their mortgage insurer was not ready to do business. So, the next time just make sure your home lender has a different mortgage insurer.

Never underestimate the thoughtfulness and the benefit that comes along with the proper research you practice before you apply for your home loan, for the second time. A single rejection is never the end.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Are You Going to Take the Advantage of Savings on Your New Car Purchase? How? Read it here…

Now is the perfect time for buying a car if you are in Australia. Yes, you heard it right. If buying your dream car was at the back of your mind, it’s time to move it in front. It’s just because of the amount of money you are going to save while buying the car at this point of time.

Car buyers who are intelligent and wise enough end up saving on both the sides of car buying. First, it is the end of financial year sales time in the car industry offered by most of the car dealers in Australia. Which means you can make big savings right now on the drive-away price of new and used vehicles, as dealers try to boost up their sales to keep their funds flow growing.

Second is the car loan offers, which are extremely attractive right now. As per the current interest rate cut by RBA earlier this month, interest rates are at the lowest on record. Again which means, you can take advantage of low car prices and lower interest rates. It’s the right time to grab a great deal on a new or used car, as there really has never been a better time.

Moreover, if you are opting for energy efficient cars in Australia, you will soon be getting discounts on loans. As an initiative towards green environment, to reduce emissions including building upgrades and solar installations, some Australian lenders named Firstmac and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation have relied upon the agreement that they will offer low rate loans upon the financing of a green car. According to Firstmac managing director Kim Cannon, “Around $25 million would be spent on cheaper loans for environmentally-friendly cars”.

Thus, gear up to get the best rate at just the right time to secure a car loan. To help you in every step, Loans Direct make the entire process easy through its access to top Australian lenders and individual car loan products. Here, you will find a car loan that suits your budget with amazingly low rate finance deals available to fund your new wheels, allowing you to save even more.

Contact a Loans Direct Car Loan Officer to discuss your needs today.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Are You Going to Co-Sign a Loan? Consider the Following Things!

At times, you get to show your generosity to the family members, close friends and anyone dear to you by co-signing a loan taken by them. Undoubtedly, there is always a soft corner for our loved ones saved in our heart. At the same time, while you may fulfil this helpful gesture, you should know that co-signing a loan is more than just your signature. Therefore, knowing the roles and responsibilities as a co-signer ultimately becomes an issue of paramount importance.

Keeping in mind the repercussions, here are three things that you should consider before co-signing -
  • Do Not Jump into the Agreement, Know the Risks  
    What shall be more risky than being equally responsible for the loan taken by some other person? However, you are not meant to receive even a single penny of the loan demanded, whatsoever negative activity is connected to the loan, will affect you equally. For instance, suppose that the actual borrower fails to make the payments on time, this will be added as a negative point on your credit report too.

  • Know Not Only the Risks, Read Out the Terms and Conditions
    No loan is granted without a set of certain terms and conditions. In addition, so will be the loan your closed one has applied, come with- a set of terms and conditions. Since your credit report is equally at stake, you should surely read out the set of those terms and conditions proposed. This shall include reading out the total amount of the loan, length of the loan, interest date as well as the due date. You determine if your family member or friend would easily be able to make the payments. Assume that he/she fails to do so and in that case, imagine yourself making payments. Make sure you’ll be able to, in such case.

  • Stay Always Ready With an Exit Plan
    “Plan B” shall always be there. It’s not necessary that things go wrong, but, in case they do, you have to be steady and ready with your exit strategy. You can keep your credit report from taking a hit if you plan to have a leeway in the return payments. For instance, if the borrower is not able to make the payments, you can think of using the money kept aside for an inevitable misshapen. There are cases that the loan has not been out for some time. This implies that you might not be able to remove your name from the loan. Adding, be aware of the fact that only some loans do actually have the option that allow you to remove your name.
Make sure that you ask everything you’re not so sure about. Bad Credit Rating would certainly not be an option you may consider, anyhow. So, in most of these kinds of financial processes, just use the power of your knowledge smartly and wisely!

Thursday 20 August 2015

Here is How You Can Prevent Bad Credit in Small Business

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, all businesses are sensitive to problems regarding the cash flow. This results in bad credit. However, it’s found that SMEs are more likely to face the problem of bad credit, thereby resulting in lesser opportunities to be able to take a loan whenever the situation demands so.
However, where there is a will there is always a way out too.

Here is How You Can Prevent Bad Credit in Small Business

Down here, we’ve explained how you can prevent bad credit in your small business:

First of all,
Get back the money your customers owe to you. There must be many clients out there, who must have delayed the payment. You should focus on getting all the debts collected.

The other way round, just check whether you owe money to your suppliers. Maximize your window while you pay them. You can do that by getting an extension with no extra cost, in case of some suppliers. You can also manage your cash flow in a way that your stock is not overloaded on merchandise. It should be your topmost priority turning over the stock, regardless the size of the business.

Okay! We know that rising costs may trouble you. They possibly affect the small business comparatively even more. However, sigh! You can ask your suppliers about rebates for buying in bulk or getting discounts in case you are paying early for the stock. Try to shop around for the best prices.

Keep yourself updated…
It would be a good financial decision if you shun hesitation and call up your bank to ask about a review regarding the loans you’ve taken before. This will prevent the bad credits pile up. Moreover, there is a regular change in taxation laws and business rules. The changes in the rules and regulations in taxation or business come with a great impact on the cash flow. However, you can stay updated by subscribing newsletters from your local business networks. This way you can cope up with the latest amendments.

Plan ahead!
By that, we mean that just seize the moment and take a good financial management decision if the interest rates in the market are going low. It’d be a great time to negotiate with a lender for bad credit loan at that point of time. Otherwise, the interest rates may rise and you will end up troubled.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Let’s Debunk Some Home Loan Myths

First Myth -    A hefty deposit you would need to get a home loan in Australia.
Usually, 5 to 10 per cent deposit can help you qualify for a home loan.
However, if you have a guarantor, like your parents, you can borrow 100 per cent of the purchase costs.

Second Myth - The services of mortgage brokers are costly.
No, it’s not, rather, it’s Free. Mortgage brokers are paid by the banks.
However, there could be some exceptions like – if the home loan is less than $200,000, if your individual situation is complex, or if you are switching mortgages within the first two years of the loan.

Third Myth -    If you have a bad credit history, you aren’t eligible for a competitive home loan.
Not for everyone as it depends on your individual situation or if you have valid reasons for bad credit ratings, there are possibilities that a bad credit loan provider can consider your case.

Fourth Myth - The only thing to consider is the lowest interest on home loans.
Not necessarily the only thing, there are other costs like set up costs, exit fees, monthly charges, ongoing fees, insurance premium, conveyancing fees, etc. should also be considered that are generally included in the comparison rate you pay towards the mortgage.

Fifth Myth -     Credit cards aren’t considered by the lenders.
It’s a misconception that the borrowing power isn’t affected if you have multiple credit cards. Lenders assume that you have used your credit card up to its limit even if you haven’t. More number of credit cards can lessen the chances of your loan approval. Thus, it better to cancel the credit cards you no longer use or else you can decrease its limit.

Sixth Myth-   Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) is there to protect you if you default on your home loan
If you borrow more than 80% of the value of the property, you pay a fee that is known as LMI. It doesn’t protect you from default, rather, it protects the lender if you go default and unable to pay back the loan. To be insured as a borrower, think of Mortgage Protection Insurance.

If you are still facing any apprehensions or have doubts to clear, then talk to the home loan experts at Loans Direct today.

Monday 20 July 2015

3 Considerably Helpful Ways to Assess Your Business Loan Capabilities

You must be surely aware of the fact that it’s quite critical and decisive that your business has enough of money to fund the financial operations to be done in the first few years or so. The survival rate of new businesses vary as per the statistics revealed over different time intervals. However, luckily there are many options to fund the business in the first few years in order to establish a strong business in the coming ones. For instance, the most recommended and common options are considered to add more capital, or the other way is to take out business loans. Apparently, you just need an infusion of cash, what so ever might be the way. On one hand, where adding capital does not require you to return the money, a business loan comes along with a recovery schedule. In that case, it becomes necessary to be able to know your business loan capabilities.

3 Considerably Helpful Ways to Assess Your Business Loan Capabilities

Here are three considerably helpful ways to assess your business loan capabilities -  

  1. Start with the Review of Your Business Performance
    How well do you know your business? Is it important to know it in and out? You bet. Of course, a business owner must be aware of both projections i.e. in-house reports as well as the industry standards. This will put you in a state of accurate assessment of your business with accurate, updated and descriptive financial records and statements as well as the necessary-to-be-known financial ratios. 

  2. Consider the Lender’s Perception of Risk
    There are factors that may influence your lender’s perception of risk. Consider yourself to be the lender and ask yourself questions like:
    • Can my business repay the loan?
    • Can I repay the loan if the business fails?
    • Is my business having the ability to manage its cash flow?
    • Does my business have a profitable performing history?
    • Who all are my potential or current competitors?
    • What are the strengths of my competitors?
    • Do I have good credit ratings?

  3. Plan the Business-cum-Financial Plan
    If you get satisfactory answers to the questions above, you should put a step forward to plan the business, plan the finance. A business plan shall be devised in such way that it includes the specific strategies induced to improve the on-going financial operations as well as increase the efficiency of the business. The business plan shall be feasible in a way that the ratio of income to the cash flow remains profitable.

Monday 6 July 2015

What it really Mean to be Financially Free?

In simple words, financially free means free from any financial obligations, which may include overheads, debt, income and expenses or anything financial. In a country like Australia, it is just a small matter how people perceive it. However, it is more important to know how to become financially free depending upon your individual situation.

  • A Debt-free Life
  • It does not mean that you are financially sound if you are debt free; instead, you still have to work and earn money to meet up your living expenses as well as the taxes. The first thing that matters to be financially free is living a life without any monetary obligation. This can only be achieved if you pay everything you owe on time and maintain a clean credit history.
  • Your Income Your Expenses
  • If your expenses are more than your income then you are far from being free from anything financial. Managing your expenses in the best possible way and contributing a part of your income to your savings account will help you to achieve the goal of becoming financially free.
  • Assets are Important
  • Your financial assets like shares, mutual funds, investment bonds, properties are financial tools to generate annual cash flow whenever you want. By the time you reach old age, these assets prove worthy to help you meet your expenses in a convenient way. If you haven’t done something like this yet, start doing it as soon as you can. Assets are also the important milestone in becoming financially free.
If we go by the books, there can be lots more to do in order to live a life with financial freedom. However, most of the times it depends on circumstances and situations every individual face. Living life financially free is not an easy nut to crack. It takes hours of planning and consideration of numerous factors to walk in the path of achieving it.

It’s better to seek help from professional finance specialists who can figure out the most suitable way for you as per your needs.

Monday 22 June 2015

Your Start-up Business Can Utilize a Business Loan for Best Results. Let’s know it how…

Business on your mind, business in your dreams, business is your goal and business is your life… Yes we know it very well what it means for someone starting up a venture or planning to cut the ribbon in near future. Starting a business by your own is something you care for just like your child. Save it from all the harm, bring in good things as results and take pride in achieving something through it. Other than your hard work and sincerity, you also need funds to while starting your own business.

Before you start a business, you must be aware of all the aspects related to it. Ask yourself, why you are starting a business. Are you well aware of the required technical and management skills? What about your business planning, like - 
  • Do you have the skills to start a business and what are they?
  • Your business needs money. How are you going to invest the required amount?
  • What are your business objectives and how are you going to achieve them?
  • What are the profit margins? How much you expect to make profit from your business?
  • How much loan you would need for your business to expand or to keep up and running?

Investing all the money you got in your pocket on your business is a bit risky. Going with a business loan from a bank or a lending institution helps to meet your finance requirement readily through different types of business loan products.

While setting up your business, you should look for ways to save some money without compromising the quality of the product or service you will be delivering to your clients. A business loan at competitive interest rates is the most suitable option to meet the demands of a start-up business. This type of funding not only fulfils the financial needs of a business but also brings a sigh of relief in continuing with the business operations without any hassles.

If you are planning to start a new business or to expand an existing one, take expert’s take on what you need and how much you need.

Monday 8 June 2015

Expecting Housing Surplus by 2017 – says Goldman Sachs

This is an excerpt from a news post published in Australian Financial Review - http://www.afr.com/real-estate/goldman-sachs-tips-housing-surplus-by-2017-20150416-1mm941

The one who predicted the current surge in housing activity, Tim Toohey - Goldman Sachs head of macro-research in Australia said – “Australia will have a housing surplus by 2017”.

He added - The challenge from 2017 onwards will be to "normalise interest rates" - in other words raise interest rates - just as underlying housing demand is weakening.

In a recent report of Goldman Sachs, Mr Toohey argued that - Australia's population growth is slowing, more than most us realise. By 2017, the population will be 530,000 less than estimated, based on widely used Australian Bureau of Statistics Series B projections.

The birth rate is at historic low, deaths are at historic highs and net migration is "falling fast." Instead of population growth of 1.7 - 1.8 per cent a year in 2015-17, the growth is more likely to be 1.25 per cent a year – as estimated by Mr Toohey. He strongly advocate and support household formation as a key driver of housing demand.

On the other hand, Mr Toohey estimated that - migration, which accounts for two thirds of the population growth since 2008, is falling faster than official estimates.

He wrote - "The primary determinant of net migration to Australia is not the number of illegal immigrants or the number of tourist arrivals, it is the relative strength of onshore versus offshore labour markets; so would you move to a country where you can't get a job?"

Earlier in 2012, Goldman Sachs upgraded its outlook for residential construction because of the emerging undersupply, the largest since the 1970s, as well as the need for a significant cut in interest rates Australia.

Today, Goldman Sachs has estimated, based on the ABS series B projection that - the current housing shortage would remain till the end of 2017 before deteriorating again with rising interest rates. In fact, the downturn is already happening. Goldman Sachs' proxy for net migration predicting just 160,000 extra people in 2014, which is 40,000 below the official figure for the first nine months.

Although, Sydney's rental prices are likely to climb up further before levelling out - according to Domain Group economist Andrew Wilson.

Monday 25 May 2015

How to Deal with the Growing Prices of Properties? Let’s Take a Look… Part II

This blog is in continuation to the one written earlier under the same title and the introduction.

It’s not just you, most of us feel like buying a new home is too far to reach. Not just because of the affordability and choice, rather all those news of hike in property prices also lowers the enthusiasm every time they pops up on media and internet news. However, just like others, this sad story too has an ending, means the ways through which you can deal with property price growth, both mentally and financially to move ahead.

Here, let’s know what the remaining things are -

Do Some Math to Increase Affordability

Yes it’s true. If you want to make your house more affordable by simply doing some creative calculations, start with a home loan calculator and some trustworthy help from a home finance broker. Like an event of the lifetime, the historically low cash rate at present helped to keep interest rates low too, which eventually means the cost of buying a property has gone down.

Ideally, don’t just rely on others to do the math for you. Start visiting the websites where you can compare home loans from different lenders, calculate repayments and find out how much you can save with them. Additionally, do not forget to take the advantage of added bonuses like offset accounts that can lower the amount of interest you pay towards a loan.

Be a Czar of Property

A tycoon, a mogul, a kingpin… you can be called by any of these by owning a four bedroom family home in the suburbs that seems to be out of reach, however, a small unit to rent out from it can help you own it within your reach. While you rent, you'll be gaining some capital that will be of great help in your monthly repayments.

Now, what’s the deal? Why to wait? Start now and soon you will be living in your dream home. If you have any specific needs, you can always Book a Free No Obligation Consultation with the property experts at Loans Direct.

Monday 18 May 2015

How to Deal with the Growing Prices of Properties? Let’s Take a Look… Part I

It’s not just you, most of us feel like buying a new home is too far to reach. Not just because of the affordability and choice, rather all those news of hike in property prices also lowers the enthusiasm every time they pops up on media and internet news. However, just like others, this sad story too has an ending, means the ways through which you can deal with property price growth, both mentally and financially to move ahead.

Here, let’s know them what they are -

Change the Mind (just thoughtfully, not physically)
No, wait… it’s not that we are suggesting you to give up your dream of buying a home. It’s about to change from being responsive to being practical. Don’t crib if someone talks about capital growth, increasing rates or declining property value. Instead, start doing some research to maximise value for your own property. Moreover, see the property value growth as a potential for your future life or seek utmost professional guidance from property experts or finance brokers in Australia.

Change the Destination
We understand, it will definitely be tough for you, especially if you were just waiting to own an affordable four-bedroom home in Sydney's middle suburbs or any other posh region that you like. In this situation, you are left with just two options – change the location or change the type of property you wanted to buy. The former option is easier and may help you find a property in half the price from the one you were willing to buy earlier.

Ok let us help you understand this with an example –
For your choice of an average home in Melbourne rather than Sydney can help you save approx. $400,000. Interested to save more than Adelaide is known as the most affordable capital to buy a house apart from Hobart. Now it makes sense…isn’t it?

Still we have a couple of things to share with you that can help you to deal with the Growing Prices of Properties in Australia that will be shared in the next part of the blog under the same title and the introduction.

Till then, keep watching this space!

Monday 4 May 2015

Living in Sydney and Facing a Financial Crisis – Then Do These…

Whether you live in Sydney or Brisbane, in a Melbourne suburb or the downtown of Perth, the reaction that a financial crisis is approaching in your future can be an unnerving information. Possibly you've recently lost your employment. Alternately maybe you've quite recently discovered that you're having a child. Whether the news is great or awful, you may in any case discover yourself incapacitated as you attempt to face this financial crisis head-on and how are you going to handle the bills and payments of utilities and credits like home loan Sydney, etc. What would it be a good idea for you to do first?

Confronting this new circumstance can be simpler on the off chance that you take after these basic rules:

  • Cut superfluous costs quickly.
  • Try not to hold up until your bills are heaping up and you're in a bad position to begin searching for approaches to cut your costs. Abstain from eating out in eateries, scratch off your link administration, and put a limit on pointless shopping excursions. You can simply restore your administration and begin treating yourself later when the crisis has passed.

  • Organize bills and pay them in place of significance.
  • A few bills are basically more vital than others. The most effortless approach to manage your accounts when there isn't sufficient cash to go around is to make a rundown of your costs from most critical to slightest essential. Keep in mind fundamental costs like lodging, utilities, and transportation ought to outrank additional items like diversion or PDA administration. Presently when you are paying your bills you won't need to grapple with choosing where your cash ought to go. You'll have a guide to guide you.

  • Request any legislative support you may be qualified for.
  • In the event that your circumstance is particularly pressing, you may have the capacity to get some assistance from Centrelink. Aid projects incorporate the Newstart Allowance for unemployed persons who are searching for work and the Baby Bonus for unexperienced parents. The greater part of the projects have qualification prerequisites so make sure to visit the Department of Human Service's site for data about these projects and others.

  • Utilize fleeting techniques for cushioning your salary.
  • In the event that you simply require a little support to your salary, maybe to cover an unforeseen, one-time cost, you can discover a few alternatives to get you past your financial impediment. Offering an expansive thing can rapidly tackle your difficulty. On the off chance that you don't have any substantial things to extra, think about having as a carport deal and offering loads of little things. On the other hand, you can give an administration, for example, minding garden cutting, to rapidly assemble some money. These nitty-gritty ways to deal with acquiring cash may be sufficient to help you hang on until the crisis has passed.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Want to Buy Your First Home in Melbourne? Let’s Help You to Find the Right Location

Buying your first home in a place like Melbourne is a hard nut to crack, but not an impossible one. Being a first-time homebuyer, you would be dreaming of a home that uplifts your standard of living and at the same time suits your lifestyle. More importantly, you would be expecting that the value of the property grows with time.

For your help, we have sorted and listed some locations, categorised according to living needs within a budget of $500,000 in and across Melbourne. Moreover, you can also consult a mortgage broker to know about any specific location and seek assistance for home loans in Melbourne as per your affordability.

In the Central…
Central Melbourne is the location that ranks high in new unit development. In a budget of $500,000, you will likely be restricted to a one-bedroom apartment in low or mid-rise complexes. As a first time buyer, be smart to look for a property with minimum 50 m2 of internal space in a decent locality with ample source of natural light, good build quality and easy accessibility of essential services.

In Central Melbourne, you can find one bedroom homes in -
  • Hawthorn – Median price: $381,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 7.5%
  • St Kilda West – Median price: $426,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 5.3%
  • Northcote – Median price: $380,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 4.8%
  • Abbotsford – Median price: $443,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 4.5%
  • Port Melbourne – Median price: $472,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 2.5%
In the Suburbs from CBD…
First time buyers can find capacious two bedroom units in the suburbs 8-15 km out from the Central Business District of Melbourne.

Here, the two bedroom homes that rate well can be found in -
  • Nunawading – Median price: $478,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 7.0%
  • Alphington – Median price: $491,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 5.9%
  • Williamstown – Median price: $510,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 5.6%
  • Blackburn – Median price: $505,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 5.0%
  • Moorabbin – Median price: $483,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 4.0%
In Far yet Close Locations…
If you are looking for a dwelling in an isolated area or a location with no neighbours on either sides, then a $500,000 budget is taking you out into suburbia. There are some older areas near to the city in the north and west attracting large numbers of first time homebuyers.

Look for a three bedroom home in -
  • Croydon – Median price: $500,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 5.5%
  • Sunshine – Median price: $465,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 5.1%
  • Ferntree Gully – Median price: $475,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 4.8%
  • Reservoir – Median price: $535,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 4.5%
  • Glenroy – Median price: $500,000 – 5 year average growth pa: 4.0%

Sunday 5 April 2015

Credit Repair Services in Melbourne, Australia. Do They Really Fix Your Bad Credit?

One in every ten Australian individual struggle with their compromised credit ratings. Reasons could be any, whether it is because of payments missed in past or number of debts, bad credit rating is always a huddle to overcome that eventually makes the credit repair process a daunting task.

To have a poor credit score does not mean that you’re a person with bad intention, instead, it shows that it’s time to take the first step to fix bad credit in Melbourne Australia.

So, what’s Credit Repair?

To explain the term in its simplest way, we can say that credit repair is actually a process clubbed with strategies and techniques to improvise the ratings and wipe out the errors present on the credit file.
Credit repair is done with the help of credit repair specialists; the experts who assess and perform credit rating check in Melbourne on your behalf and work together to lower the number of negative marks present on your credit file.

When you have missed some payments on your credit card, personal loan or a mortgage, your credit file is most likely to show all those negative marks from the past. These negatives are always visible, which means if you apply for any loan or new credit card you may be denied by the lender, even if you restored your credit history.

Thus, credit repair services help people with bad credit to wipe off these negatives and make you credit ready to get approved in the future. The experts work with your creditors to remove negative marks and reduce the number of clerical errors present on a credit file.

Credit Repair Services

Even though fixing a bad credit seems a great option, there are some credit repair companies that spoiled the reputation of the services. More often, such companies charge excessive fees to repair the credit, some of them will influence you to borrow new loans or credit cards in order to pay off number of debts, without taking care of the negative marks in your credit file. Thus, to make certain that you are working with a reliable company, steer away from those who failed to provide results for their clients.

For genuine credit repair services in Melbourne, there are a few companies like Loans Direct that boasts a time-honoured reputation with their clients and delivered results that shows competency in removing negative marks efficiently. If you need help in your individual situation, talk to the credit repair specialists at Loans Direct.

Monday 23 March 2015

Do You Still Need Reasons to Use a Finance Broker to Get a Car Loan?

Instead of going direct to a bank or a lending institution in Australia or through car dealerships, using a car loan broker has advantages that you may not find by your own. To sum up the benefits of a finance broker, we have shared the top reasons here.

Variety of Loans from Variety of Lenders
Car lending experts have access to more than twenty lenders and banks in Australia to fund car loans, providing a widest range of car loan products such as Bad Credit Car Finance and No Doc/Low Doc Car Loan as per the needs of the buyer.

Different Options, Different Cars
On your behalf, a car loan expert can search and suggest the vehicle that fulfils your needs and fits your affordability. Moreover, a broker can negotiate the price of the vehicle with the car dealer to ensure a valid deal being brokered.

The Expertise
Finance brokers are well aware of the industry and markets, about which lender and their products perfectly matches to the requirements of car buyers. They have all the knowledge and experience required to present a car finance application to potential lenders on your behalf. Even if you are looking for a Bad Credit Car Loan in Australia, they have number of options available for you.

It’s All For Free
That’s true, brokers that specialise in car finance are commission based and are paid directly by the lender. Car finance brokers do not charge any fee to the buyers for handling and managing the application process.

A Time Saver
With the help of finance brokers, you save your valuable time in doing research and in putting efforts. The groundwork for finding the right car loan options is done by the broker and then offered to you to compare as per your needs and affordability

Stress-free Car Purchase
Finance brokers will always communicate, update and facilitate about the loan process, the lender and the make and model of the vehicle, thereby, reducing the stress of car buying for you. In other words, a car finance broker works solely for your benefits, not for the gains of car dealer or the lending institution.

If these reasons makes you feel to go with a car loan broker in Australia, Loans Direct is the right place you can ever find. Discuss your needs with the loan officers here and you are sure to get the most appropriate car deal you can think of. Just book a Free No Obligation Consultation now.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Checking Your Credit Records Can Help You Save Money

Not realising how vital a credit report may be, the lion's share of Australians have never checked it. Not recognizing the marks on your credit file, the consequences could prompt in paying higher rate of interest on credit cards and loans. Moreover, it can even block the possibilities of low cost loans or mortgages from top lenders across the Australia.

On the other hand, individuals who frequently perform Credit Rating Check in Australia and are well aware of their credit ratings and score have more potential to get approved and qualify for lower rates that helps in saving good amount of money on loans. Thus, an individual’s credit ratings are imperative in saving money over the long run.

While in Australia, when you apply for a credit card, personal loan or a home loan, the bank will not going to be merciful on the negative marks or gross errors present on your credit file. Rather, your loan application may be declined and may result in an added negative mark to your credit report. In order to stay away from these concerns, the right thing is to know if these negative marks or errors exist before applying for a loan or mortgage.

Checking your credit records helps to know your standing in terms of your credit ratings as well as important aspects and findings in order to repair your credit ratings. If you find any less than satisfactory information in your credit report, it is important to know that there are ways through which those can be fixed and the right step is to first talk to a credit repair specialist at Loans Direct and request your free credit report to help you fix bad credit in Australia. Although it may take some time, but it’s worth to spend.

Additionally, pay your debt on time, merge high rate debts and multiple smaller ones under a fixed repayment loan and initiate communication with the companies that mistakenly placed information in your credit report to request for the reversal.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Let me ask you this… What do You Compare When You Compare Personal Loans?

Hmm… well the rate of interest, something more like Banks and loan amount.
That’s the reply most of us may say if someone ask about things to compare before applying for Personal Loans in Australia.

You might be interested to borrow some money to fund your big dream purchase, to start a business, long-overdue home repairs, to plan a long-awaited vacation abroad or to make up for the wedding expenses. Whatsoever be the reason, you would resort to the banks and lending agencies in Australia to help you with a personal loan.

Personal loans are quite different from other forms of money on credit, such as credit cards and mortgages. Thus, it is imperative to make the right selection after comparing ifs and buts related to the borrowing.

Things to Compare When You Compare Personal Loans Australia

The Type
Obviously, the best choice will greatly depend on your current financial health and past history.
There are most basic type of personal loans that incurs monthly interest and is paid off by regular repayments over a stated period of time.
If you are in need of immediate availability of emergency cash for the meantime, you may consider either a credit line or a personal overdraft instead.

The Tenure
Your personal loan tenure in which you will be making your monthly repayments is crucial. Consider it as the strict payment schedule to abide. Missing few ones and going off the track would turn up for costly consequences. Always select the loan term for your repayments as per your financial priorities & evaluation.

The Rate
Another important thing to look while comparing personal loans is the interest rate offered by the lender. Check out interest charges and other fees from multiple lenders to compare your savings and affordability.

The Borrowing Limit
Ideally, your borrowing power is often based on your income, credit history and repayment capacity. Other factors that may help to increase your borrowing limit includes adding a co-applicant, providing collateral security, etc.

The Repayment Figure
This amount is calculated along with the principal, total interest amount and total fees for the loan. Work on an amount for your repayment by considering your income and expenses in first place.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Here’s how to get a Home Loan in Australia

Applying for your first home loan is a little uneasy and often time consuming. If you know what the lenders will look for in your loan application, you can take some hassles out of the process and make it convenient.

The Five C’s of Credit
To assess your capability to repay home loans in Australia, lenders use the five C’s of credit -
  • Credibility 
  • Credit History
  • Capital for Deposit
  • Capacity to Pay Back
  • Collateral as a Security

The Five Tips to get that Approval
  1. Submit only the Authentic and Verifiable Information - The paperwork is important, thus, get all the letters and statements that shows your income, savings, and all the different sources of earnings or anything that is specifically required by the lender you wish to apply.  
  2. Check your Credit History - Ensure that your credit standing is all good and if you aren’t sure then ask your mortgage broker to get a copy of your credit report. Flags or black marks on it may prevent from getting the final approval on your loan application. 
  3. Improve or Fix Your Credit Ratings - Being a first time homebuyer, it is important that you have a clean credit history before you apply for a loan. If your credit ratings are compromised then seek help from a professional credit repair expert who can help you in fixing the issues as well as to improve the score. 
  4. No Extravagant Purchases and No Frequent Job Changes -Take control of your buying habit before you buy a home. Making expensive purchases will hinder the borrowing power. Also, do not frequently change jobs within 6 to 8 months of applying for a home loan. 
  5. Seek Pre-approval and then Start your Property Search - Instead of selecting a property that exceeds the amount you can borrow, the wiser option is to first seek a pre-approval on the amount and the home loan interest rates Australia and then search for a home to buy as per the affordability.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

How to Select the Right Personal Loan Term in Australia?

If you are above 18 years of age, then you are entitled to avail personal loans in Australia to meet your basic expenses, be it for some dream vacation, for funding your education, for your wedding or any other expense.

Personal loans in Australia can be further divided into two types, such as - secured personal loan and unsecured personal loan. A borrower can select between any of the two mentioned loans whenever he/she needs extra cash irrespective of the purpose of the loan. However, it is challenging to avail a personal loan as banks and lending firms follow a strict criteria and as a borrower, you need to ensure them that you have the ability to repay the loan on time. So, if you are planning to apply for a personal loan, here are few important things that you must know that would help you to understand and select the suitable personal loan term.

  • Unsecured Personal Loans - In this type of personal loan, borrower accesses the loan without considering property as a collateral for the loan. The advantage of this loan is, lender cannot access any of the assets in case borrower even defaults any of the repayments. However, if borrower defaults he/she cannot get away easily as banks and lending firms can file a lawsuit against defaulter and can take help from collection agencies or report to credit bureaus as well.
  • Fixed Personal Loan Amount - When applying for a personal loan in Australia, your credit score plays an important role, if you have a good credit history then you can easily fetch maximum loanable amount else you will be able to get approval for a capped loan amount only. In general, borrowers have the option to select from a range of $1,000 to $50,000 for the personal loans.
  • Fixed Repayment Period - As a borrower you need to ascertain a fixed repayment period. Borrowers with a good credit history get the most out of it as they stand to have better chances of negotiation when it comes to loan repayment period. Depending upon your financial condition, you can fix a shorter repayment period and this will save a lot of your interest charges.

If you are planning to apply for a personal loan in Australia, these tips will help you get most appropriate personal loan terms.